Feeling Thankful at Murphy Family Ventures
Congratulations to our winners of the MFV Thankful contest, Ann McLamb and Breanna Hudson! We are grateful to all of our employees for your hard work all year round but especially during the holiday season.
“This year I am most grateful for the opportunity to work at River Landing with my favorite people working there again. It is only because of them that I want to come back to this place and work there every summer.”
“I am most grateful with Murphy F Ventures for having a good boss and all the support we get.”
“Thankful for our new little bundle of joy Brinkley Mae and my little family of 4!”
“Thankful for my family, and all the blessings God has provided for me this year and thankful to be an employee of Murphy Family Ventures again after 26 years.”
“I am thankful for my management staff at Holiday Inn Express. They are the most appreciative management team I have ever worked for. Thanks Ken, Andra and Paige for everything you do for us.”
“I’m thankful to spend time with my new granddaughter.”
“Thankful to God 🙏 for turning 45 and having my family complete in the middle of this pandemic.”
“I’m thankful for all the journeys I have had, the many employees that have taught me new things, and the many farms I have helped.”
“Although my sister passed away 6 years ago I believe she was the greatest gift God has given me besides life itself. Her life still has a positive affect on my life daily. She was always happy especially when her brothers or their friends were around. It didn’t matter if she was in a wheelchair or that she couldn’t feed herself she was grateful from a different perspective than I will probably ever know but she shared what she could which I’m thankful for and wouldn’t have traded one second! Below is a picture I snapped of her and I’d like to share her smile with you!”
“I am thankfull for my 3 grandkids.”
“My family!”
“I’m very thankful for my loving wife. She supports and loves me very much. She enrolled both of us in college.”
“Thankful for all the hard workers at landscaping.”