Positively MFV September 2024
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It’s Open Enrollment Time!!
Time to take charge of your health and benefits. The 2024 Open Enrollment Period for Benefit Changes will be 09/23/24 through 09/26/24 for Missouri, 9/30/24 through 10/10/24 for North Carolina, and 10/16/24 through 10/17/24 for Edenton. This will be your opportunity to review your benefit options and make changes or enroll for 2024. Click the links down below to get more information about open enrollment.
MFV Training Course
Training is a critical tool for personal and professional development. Murphy Family Ventures has a comprehensive training plan that meets the needs of all learners, regardless of their position. If you are interested in starting a development plan or simply studying to increase your knowledge, download or save this training plan to your device for reference. To prepare for enrollment, speak to your manager to obtain your credentials and/or sign up for a class. You can also contact Tomeka Robinson or Nicki Kendrick for more information.
Sunrise in MO 🌄
A beautiful sunrise photo was taken over our Arrowhead Sow Farm in Missouri by Arrowhead Sow Farm Manager Davy Eagon.
NC Pork Council Takes on DC
Congratulations to Recruiter Megan Jensen and Stantonsburg Manager Hannah Jones for being selected to join the 2024 Pork Leadership Council! They both recently visited Washington, DC to meet with the National Pork Producers Council. Megan said, "I was honored that I was selected, along with 16 other individuals, to represent the pork industry in the Pork Leadership Carolina program. We held three sessions that not only exposed us to state-level issues but also to federal-level issues. We had the amazing opportunity to travel to Washington, DC and meet with the National Pork Producers Council to gain a better understanding of what they are doing to help the industry. During our conversations with Congressmen and Senators, we were able to shed light on the challenges we have experienced working in the swine industry. Now I have a better understanding of the Pork Council and how I can help advocate for the wonderful industry I love." Way to go, Megan and Hannah!
Scorecard Winners
Each month our sow farms participate in healthy competition in an effort to reward the highest levels of productivity. This is measured in three areas, farrowing rate, pigs weaned, and conception rate/RTU. Each of the winning teams receives a catered meal of their choice.
North Carolina - August
Farrow Rate
1st Place: Riverfont 1
2nd Place: Riverfront 2
3rd Place: Triumph
1st Place: Mag 2
2nd Place: Mag 1
3rd Place: Riverfront 1
Conception Rate
1st Place: Boykin Lake
2nd Place: Riverfront 1
3rd Place: Mag 1
Missouri - August
Farrow Rate
1st Place: Arrowhead
2nd Place: Sawgrass
3rd Place: Hawkeye
1st Place: Quailridge
2nd Place: Sweet Springs
3rd Place: Forest Oak
Conception Rate
1st Place: Wheatrun
2nd Place: Chestnut
3rd Place: Hawkeye
Happy anniversary to all of our employees celebrating in September! 🎉
Davy Eagon | 30 Years
Congratulations to Arrowhead Sow Farm Manager Davy Eagon on being with MFV for 30 years! Pictured with Davy is Senior VP and Director of Production Mike Wyant, Production Manager Joe Oehring, and Senior Production Manager Doug Tennal. 🎉
Angela Webb | 20 Years
Congratulations to Springview Assistant Manager Angela Webb on being with MFV for 20 years. 🎉 Springview Sow Farm Manager Matt Watts said, "Angie possesses many talents, and her constant drive and enthusiasm makes Springview not only a productive farm but also a great experience and an enjoyable farm to work at.” Pictured with Angie is Senior Vice President and Director of Production Mike Wyant, Senior Production Manager Doug Tennal, Production Manager Joe Oehring, and the Springview Sow Farm team.
Your Safety is a priority
August Safety Awards
Congratulations to the following departments for staying safe!
Wolfpack Sow - 10 Years
Warsaw G/Out - 10 Years
Mag 2 Sow - 8 Years
Kenan Poultry - 7 Years
Fleming South Poultry - 7 Years
Leader Poultry - 7 Years
MFV Timber - 6 Years
Missouri LNM - 3 Years
Stantonsburg Sow - 1 Year
Safety Topic from Mike Brown
When a hurricane is approaching, we typically know several days in advance when and where it will most likely strike. This gives each of us plenty of time to evaluate, plan, gather supplies, check equipment, and prepare our teams and families. There is much to be done before the storm makes landfall near us. Please review the materials in this trainer and ensure your team understands what to do and when to do it before any named storm makes landfall. Each site should have a plan of action, and all team members should be fully aware of what that plan entails.
Compliment Box
The Compliment Box can be found on www.murphyfamilyventures.com/mymfv. Give your co-workers a shoutout and you could win a $50 gift card! Spread the love and positivity by complimenting your fellow employees whether it was a helpful gesture, a great idea, or anything that simply brightened up your workplace. By submitting, both you and the person you compliment will be entered to win a $50 Walmart gift card each. A set of winners is chosen at random each month. Submissions will be posted on the next edition of Positively MFV so make sure to check back to see if your compliment was featured!
MFV Referral Bonus Program
Get paid up to $600 for referring your friends and family to work at Murphy Family Ventures with our Referral Bonus Program!
Speak with your local HR representatives
for more information.
NC: 910-285-1005 | MO: 417-677-7337
Employee Benevolent Fund
Help your employee family by donating to the Employee Benevolent Fund! It supports employees and their families who have endured monetary hardships through unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, medical conditions, injury, or death. The fund is 100% supported by the contributions of our employees, so we need you! You can donate money or PTO once you have reached 80 hours. For more information, contact our HR Office at 910-285-1005 or mfvhr@murfam.com.
Online Medical Services: Teladoc
Teladoc is available as a benefit to our employees for online medical services. You will enjoy services for a $10 copay for non-emergency conditions. Click here for more information.
Employee Discounts
Grab your next lunch from Mad Boar Restaurant & Pub and Village Subs or visit Bill Carone Cars for all your vehicle needs. Don’t forget, all employees get a 10% discount at both restaurants, 10% off car repairs, and $500 off a new or used car.