Positively MFV July 2024
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Compliment Box
Thank you to everyone for submitting compliments and spreading the love for our fellow team members! Check out all the entries below to see if someone gave you a shoutout!
The Compliment Box can be found on www.murphyfamilyventures.com/mymfv. Give your co-workers a shoutout and you could win a $50 gift card! Spread the love and positivity by complimenting your fellow employees whether it was a helpful gesture, a great idea, or anything that simply brightened up your workplace. By submitting, both you and the person you compliment will be entered to win a $50 Walmart gift card each. A set of winners is chosen at random each month. Submissions will be posted on the next edition of Positively MFV so make sure to check back to see if your compliment was featured!
“Charlie Whaley is an exceptional River Landing employee and a vital member of the landscape crew. Every morning as I drive into work, I see him diligently working, whether he’s blowing off the sidewalks or trimming dead limbs from trees. His dedication and hard work contribute significantly to making River Landing a beautiful place to work and an outstanding place to live.” - Victoria Wuenst
New Chair of North Carolina Board of Governors
Congratulations to Wendy Murphy on being elected the new chair of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors! This is the first time in UNC System history that the Board of Governors is made up of all-female officers. Your MFV family is proud of you and your accomplishments, Wendy!
Learn more by visiting https://www.northcarolina.edu/.../unc-board-of-governors.../
Photo: Jeff Janowski/UNCW
🩸 Blood Drive 🩸
Our blood drive with American Red Cross North Carolina was a tremendous success! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who generously donated blood!
Missouri Spring Flings
Several farms in Missouri come together for a “Spring Fling” each year to relax and have a little fun together.
The Marshall Sow Farm rented a bowling alley for their celebration, and everyone had a blast bowling, eating, and enjoying each other's company. It was a fantastic evening!
The Sweet Springs Sow Farm team attended a baseball game between the NY Yankees and the KC Royals in Kansas City. They enjoyed tailgating before the game and even received free hats for being among the first 10,000 fans. Farm Manager Josh Sims said, "We had a great time and the weather was perfect, despite the Royals losing."
Team Potluck at The Inn
Gathering as one big family! The team at the Inn at River Landing enjoyed a fun employee potluck recently! 🍽️🥳
Scorecard Winners
Each month our sow farms participate in healthy competition in an effort to reward the highest levels of productivity. This is measured in three areas, farrowing rate, pigs weaned, and conception rate/RTU. Each of the winning teams receives a catered meal of their choice.
North Carolina - June
Farrow Rate
1st Place: Riverfont 1
2nd Place: Riverfront 2
3rd Place: Triumph
1st Place: Riverfront 1
2nd Place: Pender 1
3rd Place: Turner
Conception Rate
1st Place: Riverfront 2
2nd Place: Hairr 2
3rd Place: Riverfront 1
Missouri - June
Farrow Rate
1st Place: Sawgrass
2nd Place: Forest Oak
3rd Place: Wheatrun
1st Place: Forest Oak
2nd Place: Arrowhead
3rd Place: Bearcreek
Conception Rate
1st Place: Sawgrass
2nd Place: Driftwood
3rd Place: Bluestem
Riverfront 1 recently celebrated their scorecard win with a team luncheon. Congratulations! 🎉🌟
Happy anniversary to all of our employees celebrating in July! 🎉
Kurt Strauch | 30 Years
Congratulations to Land Nutrient Management and Waste Removal Manager Kurt Strauch on being with MFV for 30 years. 🎉 Pictured with Kurt is Senior Vice President and Director of Production Mike Wyant.
Tavia Cavallaro | 20 Years
Congratulations to PC Support Manager Tavia Cavallaro in the IS Department on being with MFV for 20 years. IS Manager Johnny Diggs said, "Tavia goes the extra mile to work around users schedules to get things fixed while impacting their work as little as possible. She is a joy to work with and is always a team player as new technologies evolve." Pictured with Tavia are Director of Accounting and IT Services Vice President Hope Turnbull and Johnny Diggs.
Eustacio “Rene” Luna | 15 Years
Congratulations to Eustacio "Rene" Luna on being with MFV for 15 years. Taylor Bridge farm manager Jane Munoz said, “Rene is an excellent breeding department manager and helps all his co-workers every day in some way." Pictured with Rene are Jan Munoz and Vice President and Director of Support Operations Wen Murphy.
Minvera Artega Covarrubias | 15 Years
Congratulations to Minvera Artega Covarrubias from Britt Farm on being with MFV for 15 years. 🎉Director of NC Production Greg Wulf said, "Minerva is a very valuable staff member here at Britt Farm. She is one of our sow monitors and is in charge of farrowing on the weekend and in the absence of our HOD. Minerva has a very strong work ethic." Pictured with Minerva are Britt farm manager Jeff Russ and Vice President and Director of Support Operations Wen Murphy.
Maria Elias | 15 Years
Congratulations to Maria Elias from Riverfront 2 on being with MFV for 15 years. Riverfront 2 Farm Manager Alfonso Neri-Hernandez says, “Maria is very responsible and puts a lot of effort in taking care of the baby pigs.” Pictured with Maria is Production Manager Dave Majeski, Director of NC Production Greg Wulf, Vice President and Director of Support Operations Wen Murphy, and Alfonso Neri-Hernandez.
David Connor | 10 Years
Congratulations to Bearcreek Sow Farm Manager David Connor on being with MFV for 10 years. Pictured with David is Production Manager Joe Oehring!
Damaris Ramos | 10 Years
Congratulations to Damaris Ramos from Stantonsburg on being with MFV for 10 years! Pictured with Damaris are Stantonsburg Manager Hannah Jones and Production Manager Dave Majeski.
Danni Masterson | 10 Years
Congratulations to Marshall Assistant Farm Manager Danni Masterson on being with MFV for 10 years! 🎉 Pictured with Danni is Marshall Farm Manager Barb Brandt and Senior Production Manager Doug Tennal.
Amber Dowless | 5 Years
Congratulations to Amber Dowless on being with MFV for 5 years!
Your Safety is a priority
June Safety Awards
Congratulations to the following departments for staying safe!
Dover Finishers - 15 Years
Twister Hill Sow - 14 Years
Boykin Lake Sow - 11 Years
Riverfront 1 Sow - 7 Years
Register Feed Mill - 7 Years
Hairr 2 Sow - 5 Years
Triumph Sow - 4 Years
Mako Poultry - 3 Years
The Inn at River Landing Admin - 3 Years
Lenoir Wean/Finish - 2 Years
Pender 1 Sow - 2 Years
NC Maintenance - 1 Year
Enviro Tech 2 Sow - 1 Year
Safety Topic from Mike Brown
Emergencies, Are You Prepared?
Emergencies in the workplace cannot be eliminated, but if you have an emergency action plan in place and have trained workers to respond quickly and appropriately, you can optimize efficiency, relieve anxiety, and in some cases, save lives.
MFV Referral Bonus Program
Get paid up to $600 for referring your friends and family to work at Murphy Family Ventures with our Referral Bonus Program!
Speak with your local HR representatives
for more information.
NC: 910-285-1005 | MO: 417-677-7337
Employee Benevolent Fund
Help your employee family by donating to the Employee Benevolent Fund! It supports employees and their families who have endured monetary hardships through unforeseen circumstances such as natural disasters, medical conditions, injury, or death. The fund is 100% supported by the contributions of our employees, so we need you! You can donate money or PTO once you have reached 80 hours. For more information, contact our HR Office at 910-285-1005 or mfvhr@murfam.com.
Online Medical Services: Teladoc
Teladoc is available as a benefit to our employees for online medical services. You will enjoy services for a $10 copay for non-emergency conditions. Click here for more information.
Employee Discounts
Grab your next lunch from Mad Boar Restaurant & Pub and Village Subs or visit Bill Carone Cars for all your vehicle needs. Don’t forget, all employees get a 10% discount at both restaurants, 10% off car repairs, and $500 off a new or used car.