Positively MFV July 2022
MFV in the Community
Hunter’s Movie Corner
Hunter Johnson in Hospitality Human Resources brings you a monthly spoiler-free movie discussion!
Top 5 Baseball Movies
If you hadn't noticed the sweltering 95 degree weather here in North Carolina, please allow me to be the first to inform you that summer is in full swing (unintentional pun for the topic of this blog I swear). Summer to me is about many things, and one of the biggest is baseball.
Baseball not only is a great summer sport for spending a hot day at the ballpark with a beer and a hot dog in hand, it is also the subject of some of the best sports movies of all time. Honestly, you can scratch the word “sports” from that last one and the point still holds. Here are my top 5 baseball movies of all time. Important note: these are my favorite, not necessarily the best.
#5 - “The Natural”
The definitive baseball score. Nothing is more iconic than the image of a baseball shattering the stadium lights. Plus, no movie can claim more responsibility for little league power swings as kids across the country still try their hardest to knock the cover off the baseball.
#4 - “Moneyball”
“How can you not be romantic about baseball?” Aaron Sorkin has written some of the best dialogue scenes in Movie/TV in the last 30 years, but no line has stuck with me more. Call it corny if you want, but I am leaving some truly great movies off of this list in favor of one of the few lines Brad Pitt speaks without food in his mouth.
#3 - “Field of Dreams”
A thousand dads are rolling over in their graves at this movie being this low on the list. Don’t get me wrong, this movie is a masterpiece. A movie that treats baseball like it's a supernatural connection to a time of American history since forgotten? Yes, please. As I said though, these are my favorites, not the best.
#2 - “Major League”
This movie should be number 1. I'm already mad at myself for it being number 2. “Wait,” you may ask, “don't you have complete control over the list and could change this to number one?” Shut up and leave me alone. This has some of the best baseball sequences in any movie ever and that's an indisputable fact. It’s also genuinely funny and star-studded. Unfortunately for its placement, there's just a teaspoon too much Tom Berenger and Rene Russo. Give me more Wild Thing and Dennis Haysbert’s voice.
#1 - “Bull Durham”
Susan Sarandon. That’s my comment on this movie. Susan Sarandon. Actually, though, good adult dramas hardly get made anymore but at least we still have gems like this sitting in the vault. I love this movie, and I’d still love it if it were about the Toledo Mud Hens. The fact that it’s about a minor league team an hour and a half away from where I grew up was just sour cream on top of the nachos. Great comedy, great romance, and most importantly - great baseball. “Strikeouts are boring. Besides that, they're fascist. Throw some more groundballs, it's more democratic.”
So maybe you can sit down for a movie on this list (or one of the incredible ones I had to leave off - I am truly sorry to A League of their Own), or maybe you can catch a Kinston Wood Ducks game on a Saturday afternoon. Either way, baseball is a great way to spend a summer.
The Buzz
Gloris Cardenas Romero Retirement
Sending a happy retirement to Gloris Cardenas Romero! She has worked at MFV for 28 years, most recently in sow production at Mag 2.
Pictured with her is her Production Manager Mark Spearman
Ande Knowles Retirement
After 25 years with MFV, Ande Knowles, from the River Landing Administration Building, retired on June 1st. She was celebrated with a potluck, sharing memories, and taking pictures. Best of luck in your retirement!
May Scorecard Winners
Each month our sow farms participate in healthy competition in an effort to reward the highest levels of productivity. This is measured in two areas, conception rate and pigs weaned. Each of the winning teams receives a catered dinner of their choice.
North Carolina
1st Place: Riverfront
2nd Place: Riverfront 2
3rd Place: Mag 1
4th Place: Hairr 2
5th Place: Stantonsburg
6th Place: Boykin Lake
1st Place: Wolf
2nd Place: Pack
3rd Place: Pender 1
4th Place: Peters Creek
5th Place: Hairr 2
6th Place: Mag 1
1st Place: Springview
2nd Place: Hawkeye
3rd Place: Chestnut
4th Place: Driftwood
5th Place: Wheatrun
6th Place: Forest Oak
1st Place: Eaglesnest
2nd Place: Chestnut
3rd Place: Wolfpack
4th Place: Forest Oak
5th Place: Quailridge
6th Place: Hawkeye
Who will be the scorecard winners for June?
Celebrating Employee Anniversaries
Thomas (Gordo) Vallejo, Enviro Tech, 15 years
Happy 15 year anniversary to Tomas (Gordo) Vallejo! He has been an employee since 2007, working at Enviro Tech 2 and most recently working as breeding HOD. His managers say that he makes the farm a pleasant environment to be a part of, and his actions send a good message to others to encourage them. Standing with Gordo is Production Manager Keith Hall, Sr. VP & Director of Operations Terry Tate, and Enviro 1 Manager Ken Roberts.
5 Year Anniversaries
Carlos Hernandez
July 11
Deicy Andrade
Landscape - POA
July 18
Molly O’Donnell
NC Wolf
July 24
Steve Outlaw
Gate House
July 26
1 Year Anniversaries
Jacob Kuhn
Maintenance MO
July 1
Jessica Eason
Mad Boar
July 2
Nayeli Joaquin Almendra
July 5
Hunter Malensek
Quail Ridge
July 5
Karina Monroy Gomez
July 5
James Elliot III
Albermarle Boats
July 12
Addison Psioda
Fitness Center
July 13
Laura Russ
Mad Boar
July 15
Benjamin Creech
Lisbon 1
July 1 9
Kimberli Campos Aguilar
Human Resources
July 19
Elvia Cortez Trochez
Mag 1
July 21
Bianca Williams
Hotel Room Operations
July 28
Victoria Wuenst
Club Cottages & Suites
July 30
Safety First
Safety Tips
Stay safe in the heat! Remember to drink plenty of fluids during the day and take breaks in the shade if working outside. For more safety tips and information on heat exhaustion and heat stroke, visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
Employee Discounts
Grab your next lunch from Mad Boar Restaurant & Pub and Village Subs. Don’t forget, all employees get a 10% discount!
MFV Referral Bonus Program
Get paid up to $600 for referring your friends and family to work at Murphy Family Ventures with our Referral Bonus Program!
Speak with your local HR representatives
for more information.
NC: 910-285-1005 | MO: 417-677-7337
Updates and resources for Murphy Family Ventures employees