Positively MFV January 2023
The Buzz
MFV Holiday Celebrations
We had a great time at our MFV Employee Christmas Luncheon at Mad Boar. Check out the rest of the photos at the link below!
Village Subs got a surprise visit from Santa, and then he stopped by to hang out with the Golf Staff at their safety award meal and Christmas party.
Pender 1 celebrated the holidays with a gift exchange.
The RL Admin team loves a good holiday party, especially when Santa stops by!
Albermarle Boats celebrated the holidays by having a seafood and BBQ lunch with games and an award ceremony.
Bill Corone had a special visitor at their holiday party, Ole’ St. Nick.
Santa made a special stop to MFV Corporate Office in Wallace!
The Inn at River Landing showed their Christmas spirit by decorating the hotel with lights, wreaths, ornaments, and even a mini North Pole on display!
MFV was honored to attend Roc the Holiday, a fundraiser benefitting the Roc Solid Foundation. The program provides play sets and "Ready Bags" for families fighting pediatric cancer. It was a great night to show support by putting together 8 out of 160 Ready Bags containing items that families may need for an unexpected hospital stay. To learn more about the Roc Solid Foundation, visit www.rocsolidfoundation.org
Scorecard Winners
Each month our sow farms participate in healthy competition in an effort to reward the highest levels of productivity. This is measured in two areas, conception rate and pigs weaned. Each of the winning teams receives a catered dinner of their choice.
North Carolina - November
1st Place: Riverfront 1
2nd Place: Riverfront 2
3rd Place: Wolf
4th Place: Triumph
5th Place: Boykin Lake
6th Place: Peters Creek
Pigs Weaned
1st Place: Pender 1
2nd Place: Riverfront 1
3rd Place: Stantonsburg
4th Place: Riverfront 2
5th Place: Peters Creek
6th Place: Mag 1
Missouri - November
1st Place: Sawgrass
2nd Place: Springview
3rd Place: Driftwood
4th Place: Sweet Springs
5th Place: Hawkeye
6th Place: Arrowhead/Bearcreek
Pigs Weaned
1st Place: Marshall
2nd Place: Hawkeye
3rd Place: Springview
4th Place: Wolfpack
5th Place: Sweet Springs
6th Place: Eaglesnest
Riverfront 1 Celebrates Their November Scorecard Win
Miguel Gonzalez, Turner Sow Farm, 27 years
Join us in wishing Miguel Gonzalez a happy retirement! He has been with MFV since 1995, and has worked on several different sow farms including his most recent location at the Turner Sow Farm. Best wishes, Miguel!
Pictured with Miguel is Turner Sow Farm Manager Eliis Costin and Head of Department Colton Lowder.
Organizational Announcements
Tom Mott, Assistant Superintendent of the River Course, 15 years
We are pleased to announce the promotion of Tommy Mott to Assistant Superintendent of the River Course at River Landing Tommy has proven himself to be dedicated since he began working with the company in 2005 and has experience working in all areas of the golf course. We are glad to have him fill this role. Pictured with Tommy is Superintendent of the River Course Chris Humphrey.
Celebrating Employee Anniversaries
Terry Dunfield, Maintenance,
15 years
Congratulations to Terry Dunfield in Maintenance for 15 years with MFV! Pictured with Terry is Missouri Maintenance Manager Bill Rainey and VP and Dir. of Production Mike Wyant.
5 Year Anniversaries
Daniel Wilson - Maintenance MO
Julian Hall - Production, NC Wean Pig
Megan Jensen - Mag 2
1 Year Anniversaries
Joe Martinez - Wheat Run
Hector Bermudez - Albermarle Boats
Kevin Baldwin - Lisbon 1
Jose Barrientos Alverez - LNM , NC
Lauren Branch - MFV Marketing
Kevin Diaz Regaldo - Mad Boar
Samuel Findley - Maintenance MO
Luis Fernando Galarza Besares - Saw Grass
Juan Carlos Hernandez Najera - Marshall
Flor Latigo - Kenan Chicken Farm
Frank Manuel Tomas - Turner
Misael Martinez Rodriguez - Eagles Nest
Khristina Martinez - Leader Chicken Farm
Christopher Mitchell - Maintenance MO
Andrew Quinn - Information Services
Courtney Sugg - Mad Boar
Robert Yount - Albermarle Boats
Educational Opportunities
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 | 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
MFV Corporate Office
5752 S US Hwy 117, Wallace, NC
To schedule an appointment, visit www.redcrossblood.org.
Use the sponsor code: Murphy Family
You may also call 1-800-RED-CROSS to schedule an appointment.
Safety First
Safety Trainer: Power Washing Safety
There are many possible hazards when it comes to operating power washing machines, but with a few safety tips you can get the job done and be safe while doing it.
Wear eye protection (goggles recommended)
Wear earplugs or muffs
Wear a rain suit to protect you from the disinfectant chemicals
Wear heavy work gloves
Wear anti-slip ankle high leather boots
ALWAYS clear the area to prevent trip/fall hazards
Rotate the power washing task with other team members to prevent repetitive issues
Make sure there are no children or pets around before starting
Identifying Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is a contagious and inflammatory liver disease caused by infection with the Hepatitis A virus. Rates of infection have decreased by 95% since a vaccine was introduced in 1995, but there are still around 2,500 cases a year in the US. Many people do not have symptoms, especially young children. Symptoms might include fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, dark-colored urine and jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes), loss of appetite, and abdominal pain, and may appear between two and six weeks after exposure.
MFV Referral Bonus Program
Get paid up to $600 for referring your friends and family to work at Murphy Family Ventures with our Referral Bonus Program!
Speak with your local HR representatives
for more information.
NC: 910-285-1005 | MO: 417-677-7337
Employee Discounts
Grab your next lunch from Mad Boar Restaurant & Pub and Village Subs or visit Bill Carone Cars for all your vehicle needs. Don’t forget, all employees get a 10% discount at both restaurants, 10% off car repairs, and $500 off a new or used car.
Updates and resources for Murphy Family Ventures employees