Positively MFV February 4, 2022
Hunter’s Movie Corner
Hunter Johnson in Hospitality Human Resources brings you a monthly spoiler-free movie discussion from one of the top films of the moment!
Spider-Man: No Way Home
Spider-Man: No Way Home is a thrilling theme park ride of a movie that has crowds cheering as they get bathed in nostalgia from head to toe. It is truly a cinematic experience that can be called a first of its kind. At the same time, however, for movie lovers like myself, it can be a scary omen of what types of movies might be dominating the box offices in the future.
No Way Home is the 27th movie to be released in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the 9th theatrical Spider-Man movie. While it’s only the third installment with Tom Holland as our friendly neighborhood webhead, it draws elements and inspiration from the previous 5 movies starring Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield, respectively. Don’t worry, no spoilers here, but suffice it to say that this movie is the culmination of 20 years of Spider-Man and Marvel movies.
What that poses is an interesting challenge to moviegoers. Are you willing to put in the time to see all of the previous movies to get the most enjoyment out of this singular moviegoing experience? Based on the box office numbers for not only this movie but most of what Marvel puts out, the answer is a resounding, YES. No Way Home clocked in at a record-breaking $260 million opening weekend and is only continuing to climb. It's already passed the $1.5 billion mark for worldwide audiences.
People eat up nostalgia plays and who can blame them? Nothing is more fun than feeling like you’re in on something and then getting to do that with an entire theater of your fellow fans is an unmatched experience. All that said, it does make me wonder if Hollywood will be more inclined to feed that hunger for nostalgia or if they will try for the small budget original movies as well. I love large-budget action films as much as the next guy, but every once in a while it’s nice to have smaller, more grounded films to sink your teeth into. We know where the money is obviously but maybe, just maybe there's room for all kinds of movies in the theater.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is definitely worth seeing, and if you can find yourself in a high-energy theater, you’ll be all the more entertained. Happy swinging!
Organizational Announcements
Congratulations to Randy Green on his new role in the Maintenance Department as the new Maintenance Coordinator. Randy has been with MFV since 2018 in our Sow Production Division. He has worked as an HOD, Assistant Sow Farm Manager and most recently the manager at the Hairr 2 Sow Farm. He has an extensive maintenance background so we are fortunate to have him working with this group. We wish him well in his new role!
Join us in congratulating Ashley Maness on her promotion as the new Manager of Hairr 2 Sow Farm! Ashley started with MFV in March of this year and has been working at Enviro Tech 1 as a Production Trainee. We wish her the best of luck in her new role.
Congratulations to Angel Martinez on his new position as the Sow Farm Manager at Riverfront 2! Angel, currently the Assistant Manager at Riverfront 2, has been with MFV for over 18 years. We wish Angel well in his new role and know that he will continue to provide great leadership at RF 2!
Safety Awards
Please join me in congratulating these teams for their individual and team accomplishments during the past year.
- Mike Brown, Safety Manager
DM 3-1 - 17 years
Transportation #2 - 12 years
JM Wings - 4 years
Celebrating Employee Anniversaries
5 Year Anniversaries
Bryant Ashlock
Ozark East
January 16
Adela Deleon
Mad Boar
January 19
Carla Higgins
January 30
Norman Shipman
Lisbon 1
January 18
Madison Warren
LNM Hairr 1
February 4
1 Year Anniversaries
Ada Vallecillo
Taylors Bridge
January 18
Javier Portillo Menjivar
January 18
Bobby Wright
Boykin Lake
January 20
Sandra Mejia
Pender 1
January 25
Lisa Raynor
Peters Creek
January 27
Elidia Arteaga Covarrubias
Enviro Tech 2
February 1
Ricky Mize Jr.
Albemarle Boats
February 1
Jamie Nikodim
February 1
Employee Discounts
Grab your next lunch from Mad Boar Restaurant & Pub and Village Subs. Don’t forget, all employees get a 10% discount!
MFV Referral Bonus Program
Get paid up to $600 for referring your friends and family to work at Murphy Family Ventures with our Referral Bonus Program!
Speak with your local HR representatives
for more information.
NC: 910-285-1005 | MO: 417-677-7337
Updates and resources for Murphy Family Ventures employees